Mark your calendar for VBS 2017!!!
July 24-28, 2017.
5:30-6:00 p.m. A light meal will be served
6:00-8:30 p.m. The fun begins
Yes, we are planning an evening VBS this year!
Every year during our VBS worship time, we collect money, and/or supplies to give to others in need. None of it stays at our church.
CanHelp has created a much bigger event than Pack the Bus : a “Back to School Fair” on August 4th at the Hopkins County Civic Center, from 3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. It’s open to anyone and completely FREE! Families can get haircuts, health- and vision screenings, immunizations, foods-drinks, as well as other goods and services at many different booths.
Wesley UMC has reserved a booth where kids can play an interactive game to receive filled pencil boxes/bags for the upcoming school year! So during VBS it’s our goal to collect as many crayon-boxes, scissors, glue sticks and highlighters as possible. Monetary donations will always be welcome as well! We’ll use them to buy extra supplies for this event! The children at our church have been collecting money over the last few months to buy the boxes and bags!
Please help us out any way you can to get all our kids ready for the new school year!
Monday night: we’ll have money jars to collect $ for extra school supplies.
Tuesday night: crayon boxes.
Wednesday night: glue sticks.
Thursday night: scissors.
Friday night: highlighters.