February Pizza With the Pastor

Mary Lou FosterPastor's Blog

It’s back! Pizza with the Pastor is back this month and it’s on Valentine’s Day!! Come make crafts, play games and have pizza. It’s good clean, family fun in the comfort of Wesley Hall and it’s free. Parents, you can drop off your kids at 6 PM and go have dinner while the kids play. But, you have to come … Read More

Christmas at Wesley

Mary Lou FosterPastor's Blog

You are encouraged to join us as we celebrate the birth of the Savior of the world. Our Advent season begins Sunday, Dec. 1 and continues for until Sunday, Dec. 22. Each Sunday we light a candle on the Advent wreath to remind us of Peace, Hope, Joy and Love. This season invokes feelings of expectation and hope! The word Advent comes … Read More

5th Sunday Fundraiser For Church Camp

Mary Lou FosterPastor's Blog

You are invite to come Sunday, Sept. 29 for worship at 10:45 AM and stay for lunch. Our children and youth will be preparing Chipotle-style burrito bowls for us. They are raising money to go to church camp next summer and want you to come. Feel free to drop by after your church to have lunch with us. Cash, checks, … Read More

VBS 2024 Fear is a Liar

Mary Lou FosterPastor's Blog, Vacation Bible School

You are invited to Wesley UMC Vacation Bible School 2024. Fear is a Liar is our theme. The dates are Monday-Wednesday, July 29-31, 2024. 5:30-8:00 PM. Dinner is provided. Join us for stories, crafts, singing and worship. Here is the link for the sign up form: Sign Up Now

Your Invitation to Worship with Us

Mary Lou FosterPastor's Blog

Maybe you are in town for the eclipse? Or maybe you are looking for a new church home? Let us be the ones to invite you to worship with us. Our Sunday morning service begins at 10:45 AM in the sanctuary. Everyone is welcome. Our dress code is casual, relaxed. You can even grab a cup of coffee on the … Read More

Easter 2024

Mary Lou FosterPastor's Blog

You are invited to celebrate Easter with us on Sunday, March 31, 2024. The service will be held at 10:45 AM in the Sanctuary. We have a seat saved just for you!

Pizza with the Pastor is Back

Mary Lou FosterPastor's Blog

You are invited to join us for a family game night and pizza with the Pastor. We have it scheduled for Friday, March 8, 2024. 6-8 PM in Wesley Hall. Bring your favorite game, we can set up in the Sunday School rooms if needed. Be aware: it might get a bit active and loud out in the gym. Can’t … Read More

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 2023

Mary Lou FosterPastor's Blog

You are invited to join us on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, at 6 PM in the sanctuary for our Carol & Candlelight Service. We will sing our favorite carols of the season, share Holy Communion and light our candles as we celebrate the birth of our Savior.

August Pizza with the Pastor

Mary Lou FosterPastor's Blog

Pizza with the Pastor is this Friday, August 18, 2023. 6:00-8:00 PM. Come have pizza and play games with Pastor Joe. There will be tables for dominoes or board games set up in one of the rooms so games of dodge ball or basketball can go on in Wesley Hall. All ages are invited to come hang out with Joe.

Introducing Java with Joe

Mary Lou FosterPastor's Blog

You are invited to Java with Joe on Wednesdays. Beginning Wednesday, August 16, Pastor Joe will be at Deep Routes Coffee Shop, 215 Shannon Road E at 2 PM to sit and chat. Deep Routes has more than just coffee, they have tea, treats, coffee and more. Even if you don’t drink coffee, come sit and visit. We can’t wait … Read More