Texts: Old Testament: Psalm 27:1-6; New Testament: Philippians 3:17-4:1
The OT text is Psalmist [& King] David’s Triumphant Song of Confidence in God. God is Light, Salvation, the Stronghold of his life, and David is not afraid when evil or armies attack him. His confidence is in The Lord God. His desire is to always be in God’s Presence wherever he is [the Temple, fighting battles, leading a nation, etc.]. No matter what, God will shelter and protect him and he makes SHOUTS of Joy and Sings to God!
The NT text is The Apostle Paul at his best. Joy is the “key” word in Philippians. He asks us to “join him” in imitating the life of Jesus Christ. Enemies will be defeated when worshiping little gods, glorying in their shame, and their minds set on earthly things. Though we live here on earth, our desire is to “press forward” for God’s call to heaven. Hence, our real, Christian citizenship is in heaven.
Key Word I offer for us is SOMEDAY. As Andrae Crouch wrote: “Soon and very soon, we are going to see the king!” Someday, in Revelation 21: no more tears, sorrows, or death., Someday: when we trust in our gracious and loving God. When we are able to say confidently: “I Believe.” Someday: “The trumpet of the Lord will sound and time shall be no more!” Someday, with God in Christ, we shall be together. Is today your Someday? Amen.