Pin & Points from Pastor Steve

Mary Lou FosterPastor's Blog

It’s been an amazing 7 1/2 years for Dicie Rue and me serving Wesley Church! It has been challenging at times, some glory days at times, but always surrounded by very dedicated Wesley Folk.

And now it will be a New Year: 2022. All in all, time marches on, changes occur at church and in
families, and even new viruses creep into our lives (Hello, COVID-19 and your Delta & Omicron
creations!) And, sadly, the losses of many of our Saints since 2013. (We continue to honor you!)

-For all the hard work by several to raise monies for Wesley, Thank You!
-For our Children’s Group & Choir (and their parents), we praise & bless you!
-For our Staff Musicians and Chancel Choir, thanks for the Emmanuel Cantata!
-For our Trustees and their monthly, ongoing work for Wesley, Bless you!
-For our Home-Bound Visitation Team (visiting weekly!), you are in our debt!
-For Barbara Williams & our Ad Board, often meeting by ZOOM, God bless you!
-For UM Women being our Missions Outreach to near & far away, a Holy Wow!
-For our Custodians (Brad, Kelly & Bonnie), thanks for cleaning up after us!
-For our Finance Team for leading us in several Fundraisers, we applaud you!
-For our Nursery Crew (Julie & Kara), thank you for loving our kiddos!
-For our Media Team (Mary Lou, Stanley & Rick), you amplify all of us!
-For SPRC, Nominations, and all other Committees, thank you for serving!
-For all of our Teachers in Sunday School, thank you for teaching us!

It takes ALL of us to be the Church (ekklesia: Greek word meaning “the called-out ones) to act as
One Body in Jesus Christ. We succeed. We fail. Yet, we still are The Church = THE BODY OF

It is my honor and privilege to serve Wesley United Church.

Thanks be to God! Soli Deo Gloria!