Saturday, November 21, 2020
12 Noon -3 p.m.
Our Annual Fall Roundup will be different this year. Due to the Pandemic, we cannot invite you to come, sit and have stew and chili with us but we have created a new way to share with you. You are invited to our Drive Through Fall Roundup.
Here are the details: Pick Up your world famous Hopkins County Chicken or Beef Stew or fabulous Chili on the East side of the building, that’s the side closer to Austin School. You’ll see the stew cooks. Quarts will be $10. You can get 2 quarts for $17. We will gladly take generous donations. The proceeds will help offset our Apportionments and we give 10% to Local Ministries. No other sides will be provided.
We are looking forward to seeing you!!!